If you’re thinking of visiting Xàtiva in the near future and are planning your trip, you’ll find a lot of useful information in our FAQs. If you can’t find an answer to your question, send us a message using the contact page.

There’s a taxi rank outside the railway station at no. 1 Avenida Ausiàs March.
Telephone: +34 96 227 16 81 (wheelchair-friendly taxis available).

Xàtiva enjoys a Mediterranean climate. The winters are mild (it rarely freezes or snows) and the summers are very hot, with temperatures sometimes rising above 40°C.

Four companies offer guided tours. They can be contacted by phone:

LOVE XÀTIVA: 601 367 515 –
A PEU GUIES: 620 962 567 –
DTURISME: 699 746 682 –

If you haven’t been able to arrange a guided tour, we recommend using the audio-guides available on this website. You’ll find them at the footer of each monument.


  • Parking El Españoleto Specialty Center (Sundays and holidays). For vehicles that have purchased tickets online. Limited capacity. The center is the shuttle stop of the tourist bus to the castle (Maps)
  • Blue zone parking in the city center. Sundays and holidays free.
  • Xàtiva Volleyball Pavilion parking (Alzira road entrance). The distance to the Tourist Office is 10 minutes on foot. (Maps)


  • Sundays and holidays.
  • Hours: 10 am – 3 pm / 4 pm – 7 pm.
  • Route: Plaza Españoleto – Castle.
  • Price:  1 € / trip

Most shops are open from Mondays to Saturdays, from 9:30 to 13:30 and 16:30 to 20:30, although franchises and shopping centres do not close at midday. If you’re shopping in Xàtiva on a Monday morning, you’ll probably find that a lot of the shops are shut, as many traders stay closed then.

A leisurely visit to Xàtiva castle can last an entire morning or afternoon. There are picnic areas in stunning surroundings with views over the city. There is also a cafeteria with a terrace, and a restaurant.

  • 1 January: New Year’s Day.
  • The Fallas festivities (from 19 to 20 March).
  • Holy week and Easter (April).
  • Good Friday
  • San Vicente (spring).
  • Pascua Florida flower festival (spring).
  • 1 May: International Workers’ Day.
  • Corpus Christi (June).
  • 1 August: Sant Feliu, patron saint of Xàtiva.
  • 5 August: Virgin de la Seu festival, patron saint of Xàtiva.
  • From 15 to 20 August: Fira de Xàtiva city fair, dating back to 1250.
  • 25 November: Les Catalinetes, Santa Catalina.
  • 25 December:  Christmas day.

Health and welfare services

Ambulances – 962282013
Hospital Lluís Alcanyís – General A&E – tel. 962289310
Health Centre A&E (17:00 to 19:00) – tel. 962218105
Hospital Lluís Alcanyís – Ctra. Xàtiva-Alzira – tel. 962289400
Health Centre – Pl.Calixto III (No. 2, Pl. de la Seu) – tel. 962272424
Health Centre – No. 13, Pl. Espanyoleto – tel. 962281610
Health Centre – Av. Ausiàs March – tel. 962218100

Vicen Campos Herrero – No. 1, Plaza Españoleto
Enrique Vila Peiro – No. 5, Plaza del Mercat– tel. 962274370
Josefina Ballester Medina – No. 7, Germanias – tel. 962271060
Manuel Casesnoves Soldevila – No. 7, Vicente Boix – tel. 962276077
Fernando Richart Aranda – No. 30, Plaça la Bassa – tel. 962275748
Carmen Navarro Llueca – No. 32, Albereda Jaume I – tel. 962274276
Rosalia Soler Fernandez – No. 2, Porta de Sant Francesc – tel. 962274438
Joaquin Soler Fernandez – No. 38, Avenida Selgas – tel. 962274566
Rosa Pellicer Chulia – No. 1, Plaza Vicent Andrés Estellés – tel. 962270147
View out-of-hours pharmacies

Admission to the museum is free for pre-booked school groups. For reservations, call 96 227 65 97.
Admission to all monuments and use of the tourist train is free for teachers accompanying a school group.
Groups of up to 55 people can enter both the museum and El Castell together.
There is a picnic area in the upper part of the Castell Major where students can eat provided that they are accompanied by a teacher.